Friday, September 12, 2008

Pigs in Drag

It was poetry time in our last Game Time, with presidential hopefuls as the subject. The votes are in, and Sid's poem about Cheney in lipstick wins. I hope the infamous pig in lipstick was not offended.

Speaking of make-up-wearing porcines, we thought we would let you all weigh in on the debate. You get to make a headline for the "lipstick on a pig" comment and the aftermath. What's that? You don't know what I am talking about? What have you been watching the last 3 days? Certainly not the cable news networks! Well, I guess we should help you out. Here is a recap, courtesy of the AP:

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is accusing John McCain's campaign of "lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics" in claiming he had made a sexist comment against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Obama on Wednesday called the Republicans' criticism of his use of the phrase "lipstick on a pig" a "made-up controversy."

Here is our headline:

Obama Apologizes: He hopes no pigs were offended by comparison to Palin

Post your headlines by Tuesday, and then vote for the winner on Wednesday.


  1. Obama changes comments, meant to say "lipstick on a pig is a MAKE-UP controversy"

  2. Obama still fryin in a greasy mess

  3. Obama Apologizes, Meant to Say "You can put a pig in a blanket, and it's still a tasty hors d'ouevres"

  4. Republicans Desperate, Hope to generate large Pig Voter turnout as in 2000 and 2004

  5. A Black President? When pigs fly!

  6. I got another one:
    Hogwash, Obama Denies Palin Pig Attack

  7. Obama uses phrase "lipstick on a pig." Bill Clinton asks for pig's phone number.

  8. Obama apologizes: "Of course it was a harmless joke. I don't approve of pigs. I am Muslim!"
