Friday, September 26, 2008

Gioc about Jokes

Our last Game Time involved stories about pirates. Based on your votes, Big A won, for his clever response about the economic crisis. Nothing like an economic crisis to get us thinking about pirates. Well done.

So, as you probably know, jokes were a big part of this week's theme; that is to say, jokes were this week's theme. We talked about jokes, and jokes, and more giocs. So, to continue the week's theme, our gioc will be about jokes.

Think of a better set-up question to the following punchline.

Throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!

Our original question: Wanna know how to quickly drop 10 pounds?

Our new question: What do you do when you see a huge cockroach crawling on the ground?

See? Simple as pie. No, not simple as pi. Pi is a very complicated mathematical concept. Pie is a delicious dessert. Post your answers, or rather, your questions, in the comments.


  1. What's the quickest recipe to get somebody to eat their words?

    Throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!

  2. "Knock Knock"

    "Who's There?"


    "Throat Who?"

    "Throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!"

  3. Why do firemen wear red suspenders?

    Throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!

  4. Rachel Ray and Funk & Wagnals see each other across a crowded room. Their eyes meet and it's love at first sight. They prepare to rush towards each other and engage in a passionate embrace. But they arms are holding the tools of their trades. What do they do?

    Throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!

  5. How do you get a good recipe for alphabet soup?

  6. Your momma's so stupid she joined a book club to throw two dictionaries and a cookbook on the floor!
