Friday, November 7, 2008

Presidential Poetry

Spooky Halloween stories were all the rage last week, as we asked for short stories that started with the phrase: "They told me not to go down the alley." After tallying the votes, DJ wins. What a treat! Get it? Like trick or treat? Treat? Trick? Treat?

Earlier this week, America had an election. And, we at the Pake Shlake Band have referenced the election every now and again. Well, now that it's over we wanted to give one last tribute to the 2008 Campaign:

Write a poem summing up the 2008 Presidential Election.

Here is ours:

It's us against them,
the Rep or the Dem,
The difference is clear, so just take your pick.
When all's said and done,
There can only be one:
So the socialist beat out the maverick.

Ooh, nice rhyme scheme! (Thanks.) You're welcome. Now, it's your turn. Write a poem about the election. Post it in the comments.


  1. I voted and got a sticker,
    Then I got a free cup of coffee.
    But I don't like coffee.
    I did like the sticker.

  2. The people choosing McCain?
    That idea was clearly insane.
    With his confident smile,
    Barack won by a mile.
    Now finally our prez has a brain.

  3. Why I Lost

    Said a batty old man named McCain
    I just feel an unbearable pain.
    I relied on Joe plumber
    My VP choice was dumber
    and my lofty hopes went down the drain

  4. They voted for Barack,
    To get us out of Iraq,
    They might have chosen McCain
    if he'd had half a brain.

  5. Hickory Dickory Dock
    In who should the dems put their stock?
    They could only choose one
    for president to run,
    Hillary lost to Barack
